3D Animation

3D animation introduces time and motion to a 3D environment. With 3D animation, viewers are brought on an aerial fly-thru or first-person drive-thru of the project area. 3D animations can show the movements and interactions of vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians, as well as compare and contrast different traffic scenarios or design alternatives. Text callouts, motion graphics, and narration can be added to communicate additional project details.

3D animations are an engaging tool that tells a story you want to share with the audience. Get in touch with our VIZ team to discuss 3D animation for your next project!

Fly-Thru animations follow an aerial camera path through the project area. The view can vary in altitude, navigating to key locations, pausing, and continuing on to the next destination. Fly-thru animations quickly capture the overall project improvements.
Instructional animations guide the viewer through a series of steps or explain features of a new roadway improvement. Narration can provide additional details that otherwise might be lost with animation alone.
Video production is the most comprehensive type of visualization project. Video production may include some or all of the following elements: creating a storyboard, script, branding, 2D and 3D animation, live video, splash screen, motion graphics, callouts, voiceover, and end screen. Video production is ideal when conveying multiple messages with layers of information.
Construction sequence animations depict key events during a construction project. They can be used to educate project stakeholders on new construction techniques or to inform the public about road closures and when different phases of the project will be implemented.
Site evaluation visualizations help project stakeholders understand the benefits or drawbacks of a particular site or roadway design. Site evaluation animations can help illustrate turning conflicts, line-of-sight restrictions, infrastructure impacts, navigation feasibility, site access, traffic flow, driving conflicts, shadow studies, and other concerns that need evaluating.

Stafford Road

Stafford, OR

Corridor improvement, new roundabout design

Woodland & Conrad

Kalispel, MT

New roundabout design, pedestrian improvements

Lola Shephard

Helena, MT

Corridor improvement, new roundabout design

Cody's Corner

Tallahassee, FL

New roundabout design

Maple Grove

Boise, ID

Corridor improvement, new roundabout design, pedestrian improvements

Tiedman Ave Corridor

Tigard, OR

Corridor improvement, school zone, roundabout

22nd Street Overpass

Tucson, AZ

Construction sequence

A1A Corridor

Cape Canaveral, FL

Corridor improvement, new roundabout design, pedestrian improvements

Zion Crossroads

Richmond, VA

Corridor improvement, new roundabout design, pedestrian improvements

Oregon Street

Sherwood, OR

Corridor improvement, new roundabout design, pedestrian improvements

4th Ave Corridor

Portland, OR

Corridor improvement, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit improvements

Willamette River Crossing

Oregon City, OR

Conceptual, bike and pedestrian crossing

VDOT Left Turn Hardening


Educational video

University Drive

Boise, ID

Corridor improvement, pedestrian, bicycle, transit improvements

Transit Development

Sacramento, CA

Conceptual, site development