3D Rendering

3D renderings are still images created from a complete 3D environment. 3D renderings can be taken from a variety of perspectives, from a first-person ground view to a bird's eye view. Different artistic styles can be applied to 3D renderings—from photo-realistic to watercolor painting styles. Photo-realistic 3D renderings convey a more permanent/accurate feeling whereas an artistic style feels more conceptual. Click on the headings below to learn more about the different rendering styles that can be applied.

Thoughtful 3D renderings are helpful for any project document, presentation, or web site. Contact our 3D VIZ team if you plan on 3D renderings for your next project!

Photo realistic renderings are detailed 3D scenes containing realistic textures, 3D assets such as tree and car models, lighting, and environment conditions. They represent real-world environments and are meant to communicate final design conditions.
Artistic styles can look more like watercolor paintings or pastel drawings. This kind of rendering style helps to reinforce the abstract nature of a design.
Graphic rendering styles use simple 3D shapes, colors, and text to highlight certain design elements. This technique draws attention to featured design elements.
The toon shaded style is characterized by flat colors and dark outlines around 3D objects, giving the 3D scene a more conceptual, comic book look.